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At Monasterio Villamizar y Asociados, we go beyond questions, we seek oriented legal solutions or your problems in an adequate time. We understand the burden of sentimental, patrimonial separations as well as travel planning procedures and even the formation of a family through the figure of adoption, family and civil institutions that need to be resolved by judicial means, in our organization you will be backed by professionals trained, that will give you confidence by being empathetic with your problem. If you have reached this website then you are in the right place!


Here's a summary of the answers to the frequently asked questions from our clients:

MVA values your time, if what you're looking for is information and advice regarding divorces and separations, click the link below :


Establecerme con mis hijos en otro país cuando el padre/madre se niega a otorgar la autorización.

Me quiero residenciar en Chile actualmente vivo en Venezuela, con mis hijos menores de edad sin embargo no puedo viajar porque el padre de mis hijos no me quiere dar el permiso, deseo  ayuda  mi familia ya está viviendo afuera.


Atendiendo a su solicitud, el trámite correcto es Autorización para Residenciarse fuera del país, es un procedimiento que se tramita mediante los Tribunales de Protección de la zona donde vive con sus hijos, por lo que obligatoriamente tendrá que contar con un abogado, el tiempo de duración del trámite dependerá de unos recaudos que usted deberá aportar tales como: la vinculación migratoria con el país donde desea vivir entre otras cosas.

Patria potestad

Ejercer yo sola(o) la patria potestad de mis hijo, por incumplimiento del padre(madre) de sus deberes y así no depender de él para viajar con mi hijo o autorizarlo. 

Tengo dos hijos cada uno tiene su papá, sin embargo no cumplen con sus deberes como padres desde hace algún tiempo no se de ellos, deseo viajar con mis hijos. Hacer trámites y siempre me piden sus permisos quiero ser la única responsable de mis hijos ¿que hago? .


hola buen día, este trámite se realiza por el tribunal de protección de la zona de residencia de sus hijos, requiere de la asistencia jurídica de un abogado. El tramite adecuando  sería un ejerció unilateral de la Patria Potestad la duración dependerá de la información personalísima que usted pueda aportar de esos padre.


Divorciarme teniendo hijos cuando mi pareja no desea divorciarse. 

Me quiero divorciar pero mi esposa no está de acuerdo  dice que así la citen ella no va a acudir a ningún lugar, tenemos hijos pequeños, me han comentado que se debe fijar Custodia, Régimen entre otras  cosas. Mi pregunta es, ¿si no está de acuerdo en divorciarse como voy a llegar acuerdo en lo demás?  


Hola, entiendo tu preocupación existe un instrumento jurídico que permiten el divorcio de manera rápida a pesar de que su esposa no desee divorciarse,  en la solicitud de divorcio se puede acordar: Custodia, Régimen de convivencia familiar Incluso si ella no acude al tribunal, para este trámite requiere de un abogado obligatoriamente, preferiblemente que maneje Derecho de Familia.


de infantes

Migre y dejé mis hijos con su abuela ante la ausencia de su padre(madre) y no le aceptan el poder que le otorgué. 

Mi hija se fue del país y me dejo a mi nieto, mientras ella se estabiliza no puedo inscribirlo en el colegio, ni hace ningún tipo de trámite porque me dicen no soy la mama, el padre de mi nieto tampoco está, mi hija  me dejo un poder pero me dice que no me sirve para representar a mi nieto ¿como hago?.


Hola buen día, saludos existe un procedimiento que encaja con el problema que usted indica se llama colocación familiar es una medida de carácter provisional que le puede servir para representar a su nieto, se requiere de la asistencia de un abogado para presentarla ante los tribunales de protección, del lugar de residencia de su nieto, se le recomienda elegir un profesional de derecho que maneje Derecho de Familia.  

Instituciones familiares.

Régimen de convivencia familiar

Migré y el padre(madre) de mis hijos no les permite viajar a verme

Estoy viviendo fuera del país desde hace algunos años, mis hijos se quedaron en Venezuela con su papá, sin embargo él no les permite viajar a verme siendo ellos menores de edad. ¿Como hago si yo no puedo viajar a Venezuela?


Hola buen día, existe un procedimiento que se tramita mediante los Tribunales de Protección de la zona donde viven sus hijos, para ello requiere ser representada por un abogado. Este tramite se llama Régimen de Convivencia Familiar Internacional. Con esta solicitud sus hijos podrán visitarla en temporadas vacacionales así como establecer contacto frecuente mediante los medios tecnológicos. Es un tramite de demanda que con el impulso  adecuado por parte de su abogado puede tener pronta resolución, incluso estando usted fuera del país

Instituciones familiares. Custodia.

Me divorcié y la custodia de mi hijo fue asignada a su madre(padre) quien no lo atiende de forma adecuada.

Soy el padre de un niño pequeño de 10 años, me acabo de divorciar y quiero la custodia de mi hijo la cual fue otorgada a la madre, pero considero que fue un error pues mi hijo me dice que su mamá no lo atiende, va mal en la escuela y su forma de educarlo es muy agresiva, ¿que hago?. Me han dicho que la custodia solo se la dan a la madre. 


Hola buen día, puede plantear un procedimiento que se llama modificación de custodia, se tramita ante el tribunal de protección donde se encuentra la residencia de su hijo, es un procedimiento de demanda que requiere la asistencia jurídica de un abogado especialista en Derecho de Familia. La resolución puede ser positiva en su caso si se acompaña de una buena asistencia técnica jurídica y de los medios adecuados.  

Instituciones familiares. 

Privación de la patria potestad.

El padre(madre) de mis hijos abandonó el hogar hace mucho tiempo y no quiero que tenga derechos sobre mis hijos.

Mis hijos viven conmigo desde pequeños, su mamá se alejó de nosotros y yo me encargo de todos sus gastos y actividades. Quiero que ella no tenga derechos sobre mis hijos, porque no se los ha ganado, ¿como hago eso? ¿es muy difícil?.


Settle with my children in another country when the parent refuses to grant authorization.

I want to reside in Chile, I currently live in Venezuela with my underage children, however, I cannot travel because the father of my children does not want to give me permission, I want help, my family is already living abroad.


Based on your request, the correct procedure is Authorization to Reside outside the country, it is a procedure that is processed through the Protection Courts of the area where you live with your children, so you will necessarily have to have a lawyer, the time of duration of the process will depend on some precautions that you must provide such as: the immigration link with the country where you want to live, among other things.


Exercising my child's parental authority by myself, due to the father's failure to fulfill his duties and thus not depending on him to travel with my son or authorize it.

I have two children each one has his father, however they do not fulfill their duties as parents, for some time I do not know them, I want to travel with my children. When carrying out the procedures they always ask me for their permits, I want to be the sole responsible for my children, what do I do?


Hello, good morning, this procedure is carried out by the protection court of your children's residence area, requires the legal assistance of a lawyer. The appropriate process would be a unilateral exercise of parental authority, the duration will depend on the very personal information that you can provide from the respective parents.


Divorce by having children when my partner does not want to divorce.

I want to divorce, but my wife does not agree, she says that this way she will not go anywhere, we have small children, they have told me that Custody, Regime, among other things, should be set. My question is, if you do not agree to divorce, how will I agree on the rest?


Hello, I understand your concern, there is a legal instrument that allows a divorce quickly despite the fact that your wife does not want to divorce, in the divorce application you can agree: Custody, Family Coexistence Regime Even if she does not go to court, doing This procedure requires a lawyer, preferably, who handles Family Law.

Infants representation

I migrate and I left my children with their grandmother in the absence of their father (mother) and they do not accept the power that I gave them.

My daughter left the country and left my grandson, while she stabilizes I cannot enroll him in school, nor do any kind of procedure because they tell me that I am not the mother, my grandson's father is not here either, my daughter I leave a power of attorney but it tells me that it does not serve to represent my grandson, how do I do?


Hello good morning, greetings there is a procedure that fits with the problem that you indicate is called family placement. It is a provisional measure that can serve to represent your grandson, the assistance of a lawyer is required to present it to the protection courts of your grandson's place of residence, it is recommended that you choose a legal professional who handles Family Law.

Family institutions.
Family coexistence regime

I migrated and the father (mother) of my children does not allow them to travel to see me

I've been living outside the country for some years, my children stayed in Venezuela with their father, however he does not allow them to travel to see me as they are minors. How can I do if I cannot travel to Venezuela?


Hello, good morning, there is a procedure that is processed through the Protection Courts of the area where your children live, for this you need to be represented by a lawyer. This procedure is called the International Family Coexistence Regime. With this application, your children will be able to visit it during holiday seasons as well as establish frequent contact through technological means. It is a process of demand that with the proper impulse on the part of your Lawyer can have a prompt resolution, even when you are outside the country.

Family institutions. Custody.

I divorced and custody of my son was assigned to his mother (father) who does not take proper care of him

I am the father of a small boy of 10 years old, I have just been divorced and I want custody of my son which was granted to the mother, but I consider that it was a mistake, because my son tells me that his mother does not take care of him, he is going bad at school and his way of educating him is very aggressive, what do I do? I have been told that custody is only given to the mother.


Hello, good morning, you can raise a procedure called Modification of Custody, it is processed before the Protection Court where your child's residence is, it is a lawsuit procedure that requires the legal assistance of a Family Law Attorney. The resolution can be positive in your case if it is accompanied by good legal technical assistance and adequate means. 

Family institutions.
Deprivation of parental authority.

The father (mother) of my children left home a long time ago and I do not want him to have rights over my children.

My children have lived with me since they were little, their mother moved away from us and I take care of all their expenses and activities. I want her to have no rights over my children, because she has not earned them, how do I do that? Is it very difficult?


Hello, good morning, it is not difficult with the appropriate procedure, in your case the ideal would be a demand for deprivation of parental authority, the time of the process can be six months, but with very good results if the demand is raised in a formal way. adequate with a Law Professional specialized in Family Law. 

Family institutions. Divorce.

I want to separate because my husband is very severe with my children but I fear that he will take custody of me.

My husband is very severe when it comes to correcting our minor children, I have thought about separating but I am afraid that he will take custody of me because my children are not so young, they are 10 and 13 years old. He constantly threatens to take custody of me if I leave him.


Hello, if you are no longer comfortable in the relationship, it is better to divorce, this way you are avoiding generating emotional damage to your children, for divorce it is preferable that you look for a Family Law Lawyer who will help you file the divorce lawsuit for Proper way for the custody of your children to be in your favor, go ahead you only need to take control of your life, lean on a good legal professional and I assure you that the risk that your children take from you is non-existent as long as you have a good legal aid.

Family institutions. Divorce.

My partner and I want to separate but I live outside the country and we have small children.

I want to divorce but I am outside Venezuela, they tell me that it is complicated because I have small children and aspects regarding maintenance, coexistence and custody must be clarified, I do not know if I can do it while outside the country, although my wife is also agree to part.


Hello, your application is viable, you only need to grant a special power to a lawyer specialized in Family Law, the power to grant must have specific powers that allow the specialist lawyer to represent you, for them the power must be duly legalized and apostilled in the country where you reside and the lawyer assisting you must send you the conditions to be reflected in the power of attorney.

Family institutions.
Maintenance obligation.

Father of my children refuses to provide adequate support to our children despite having resources

The father of my children is a person with significant financial resources, he gives me what he wants for my children, he indicates to me that the maintenance obligation is set according to the minimum wage, my question is: How can I sue him to pay the fair amount?


I understand your situation, when custody is granted to one of the parents and the other is granted a visitation regime, the latter must provide a pension in favor of their children, which will be calculated based on the needs of the underage children and the economic capacity of the father. You must have a lawyer specializing in Family Law who claims the maintenance obligation before the protection court, using the correct evidence to agree on a fair amount that allows children live according to how their parents live.

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